Friday, January 9, 2009


So I'm last minute posting. I can't say I'm surprised; this is how I generally do things which most of you know. I can't believe it's time to leave already. Even as I'm preparing myself and helping with last minute trip prep it still seems unbelievable. I can't wait to see everyone and be the force to be reckoned with that Suzette once told us all we were. I'm excited (the word has been overused today but it fits) to see us all grow closer together and work to accomplish incredible things. I've been to New Orleans for a rebuilding trip once before and can't wait to see the work done on the city. Even having seen some of the damage first hand When the Levees Broke still pulled at my heart strings. I'm honored to be able to be part of the rebuilding process and hope and pray that I will be able to be an effective and efficient team member. Safe travels to everyone as they wake up early tomorrow to get here bright and early. See you all soon! :) ~K

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