Friday, January 9, 2009

.. tomorrow :)!

I cannot believe the trip has finally come. I'm still doing some last minute packing, of course, and I'm going to leave my house tomorrow around 630am and I can't wait to see all of the Bonners again.

When Katrina hit, I of course watched news highlights on the hurricane and the damage it had done, seen pictures, and briefly learned of how it effected thousands of people, but it was not until I watched the documentary that I knew how bad the natural disaster really was. I could not believe that it took our country, The United States of America, six days to get the citizens of NOLA help. Not only that, but the fact that the poor areas that got hit by the hurricane are STILL in need of so much and look as if the natural disaster only occurred a few months ago.

I cannot wait to help out those in need for I know that our work will go a long way and touch many hearts. I am truly excited to hear stories from the peoples' homes we will be working on.

Ashley :)

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