Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Service Trip

I am really excited for this opportunity to go to New Orleans to help rebuild. I would have never imagined that I would have the chance to be a part of its history. I feel like I had forgotten all about New Orleans and what the hurricane had done to that city. Watching Spike Lee's movie, "When the Leeves broke", opened my eyes and helped me remember the disaster the hurricane caused. The movie helped me learn about the victims, their individual stories, and what they each went through as a result of the hurricane. I cant imagine having to go through what they went through I learned a side of New Orleans I had never known. In the movie, I also got to see what a difference a helping hand can make in someone's life. On this trip I hope to be an extra helping hand to individuals, families, and the community. The job that needs to be done in New Orleans is not yet finished but I'm glad I have the chance to contribute to its upbringing.

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