Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Soul Patrol

Hip Hop has been turned on its head by a trio of prophets/philosophers/sages known as the Soul Patrol. The Stromeister General and myself had the privilege of running into the main member of the Soul Patrol, Earl Bartes Jr. AKA Uncle Golf Shoes while exploring the lower 9th Ward. He spoke with such confidence and vigor that he captivated us for at least fifteen minutes, and he capped it off by selling us copies of the Soul Patrol's debut album consisting of two tracks and a 26 minute long spoken word track. Strom and I have chosen to dedicate our lives to giving them the exposure they deserve. Uncle Golf Shoes does speak at universities so we hope to get him out to Jersey sometime so he can share his tales of unrivaled heroism.
Feel free to check out his myspace.


Support the Soul Patrol lads and lasses. If you are interested in listening to any of the tracks feel free to ask me or Michael Strom, we will gladly enlighten you with the soulful words of... The Soul Patrol.


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