Friday, January 9, 2009

NOLA here I come ...

Yea I know this is last minute, woops! :-) Its been said by pretty much everyone but I must go on the record and say I'M SUPER EXCITED! I can't believe we're leaving tomorrow! To be completely honest, during the days leading up to Hurricane Katrina I couldn't understand why everyone was making such a big deal over a 'storm'. I thought, aren't they used to storms like this, they should be prepared. It wasn't until after the storm had hit that I realized the devastation it had caused. But still almost four years later I hadn't completely grasped the severity of it all until I saw Spike Lee's documentary, it really opened my eyes. I feel a sense of obligation to help others, especially my fellow Americans and to see how little the government did to help is shameful and upsetting. With that said, as I so anxiously await 8:30 a.m. I can only hope that during this week I can make a positive and lasting affect on someone's life as well as learn and grow as a person. See your beautiful faces VERY soon!

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